Centre County Community Grant Application Application Date* Legal Name of Organization* Contact Person (Name and Title)* Address (Street, Apt. #)* City/State/Zip* Telephone* Email* Organization Mission Statement* Organization Leadership and Board Members* Program or Service Description* State the Objectives of the proposed program or service.* Who will this program serve (special populations, geographic area, community focus, organizational focus)?* What is your strategy for recruting participants or clients? *What are the dates encompassed by the program/service? Start Date* End Date* Other Range What are the program/service's expected outcomes?* How will you measure them?* Is this a new initiative or innovative program? Please explain.*If you receive funding from AAUW State College this year you will be asked to submit a program/service assessment to receive subsequent funds. Total proposed program/service budget (please provide a detailed budget or attach)* Please identify any additional sources of funding and/or fees charged for this program/service.* Total amount of grant request from AAUW State College* By providing your name or the name of the organization's executive director, my organization authorizes the submission of this community grant application. ClearSubmitReset