AAUW State College Membership Options & Application
Women who hold an associate or equivalent (RN), baccalaureate, or higher degree from a regionally accredited college or university are eligible to join AAUW.
Annual Membership
State College Branch membership also includes membership in the national AAUW organization and AAUW Pennsylvania. The 2022 – 2023 annual fee is $85, divided as follows: $67 to AAUW National (of which $64 is tax-deductible), $10 to AAUW Pennsylvania, and $8 to AAUW State College.
Life Membership
Life membership in national AAUW is $1,240. Life members continue to pay AAUW Pennsylvania and AAUW State College dues of $18 annually. Branches also seek Honorary Life Member designation for members who have paid national AAUW dues for 50 years. Honorary Life Members are exempt from future national, state, and local dues.
Student Membership
If you’re a student, you can join the National AAUW organization at no cost or for a modest fee:
National AAUW Member – AAUW College/University Partner Members – If you are a degree-seeking undergraduate or graduate enrolled in full-time or part-time programs at a college or university that is an AAUW College/University Partner, you may join at no cost with automatic renewal through graduation. Penn State University Park & World Campus are AAUW College/University Partner campuses.
National AAUW Member – Non-AAUW College/University Partner Members – If you are a degree-seeking undergraduate or graduate enrolled in full-time or part-time programs of a college or university that is not an AAUW College/University Partner, you may join at the cost of $18.81 annually.
Did you know?
AAUW has a nationwide network of 170,000 members and supporters, 1,000 local branches, and 800 college and university partners.
Together, we can change the climate for women and girls. Join us!
If you do not wish to join online, you can fill out the membership form and send with your check to:
AAUW State College
P.O. Box 735
State College, PA 16804
Checks should be made out to “AAUW State College.“