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AAUW State College members Michele Crowl and Molly Kunkel have stepped up in responding to the pandemic through the organizations they lead. Readers: If you are aware of other members who have helped make a difference in the community through an initiative responding to COVID-19, please send details to connieschroeder@gmail.com.
Michele Crowl is the Executive Director of Discovery Space. The Rivet, a Discovery Space program, has been collaborating within the MASC Initiative through Penn State to offer materials and machines to aid in prototyping respirators, respirator gaskets, face shields, and a low-cost ventilator. They have worked directly with Actuated Medical (AMI) to produce hundreds of face shields. The Rivet is a drop-off point for community-made PPE (personal protective equipment) items. Learn how to help:https://therivet.org/covid19-ppe/.
Molly Kunkel is the Executive Director of the Centre Foundation. The Foundation recently announced a gift of more than $500,000 to help local non-profits who had to cancel signature fundraisers and events because of the coronavirus pandemic. About $250,000 was provided by the Knight Foundation, while another $125,000 was provided by the Centre Foundation. More:https://www.centredaily.com/news/coronavirus/article241742181.html.
On May 12-13, Centre Foundation will hold CentreGives, the online giving campaign that helps scores of non- profits in our community. For details: https://centregives.org/
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