AAUW Atlantic Regional Conference

The AAUW Atlantic Regional Conference is being held in an historically rich area of the country, an hour’s drive from Williamsburg and Jamestown, 50 minutes from Fredericksburg, and 20 minutes from Richmond.Over the three days, there will be several roundtable discussions and networking opportunities. Eighteen presenters include Gloria Blackwell, AAUW CEO, Megan Kissell, AAUW Senior Director of Policy and Member Advocacy, Ajla Glavasevic Laussegger, AAUW Pennsylvania Diversity Chair, speaking on Generative AI, and many more noteworthy women.
Early bird registration is due September 6.
Details: https://aauwatlanticregionalconference.com/
Registration: https://aauwatlanticregionalconference.com/online
It would be wonderful if several of us were able to travel together to attend this worthwhile conference. Interested? Contact info@aauwstatecollege.org by August 30.

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